The worst terror attack ever suffered by India was on the fateful days of November 2008 when for four days, 10 terrorists held the commercial capital of India to ransom.


On 12th March 1993, the city was rocked by a series of bomb blasts. The tremors of the blast could be felt around India. This planned sequence of blasts is still regarded as the deadliest of its brethren in India. Dawood Ibrahim, who ran the international syndicate of organised crime named D-Company, conducted the attacks.

Mumbai Serial Bomb Blasts

On 24th September 2002, Akshardham Temple in Ahmedabad came under attack of Ashraf Ali Mohammed Farooq and Murtaza Hafiz Yasin. They were members of terror outfits: Jaish-e-Mohammed and Lashkar-e-Taiba. On that day, they entered the temple at around 3 PM and had weapons such as hand grenades and automatic weapons. Soon, indiscriminate firing started.

On 29th October 2005, which was a couple of days prior to Diwali that year, three bomb blasts rocked the national capital. The Islamic Revolutionary Front, a terrorist organization based out of Pakistan, conducted the blasts. A couple of blasts took place at Paharganj and Sarojini Nagar, the main market areas in the city. The third blast happened inside a bus that was stationed in Govindpuri.

On 11th July 2006, seven bomb blasts happened in local trains of Mumbai. The explosives had been planted in the first class coaches of the trains inside pressure cookers. Investigation into the blasts found out that Indian Mujahideen, a banned terror outfit, was responsible for the blasts.

On 13th May 2008, Jaipur was hit by a sequence of nine blasts that took place in 15 minutes. The authorities were able to find the 10th bomb and disarmed it. This was an eye-opener of sorts since this city never seemed to be on the terror radar before this.

These serial blasts took place on 30th October 2008 and are also regarded as one of the most damaging of their kind to have taken place in India. Guwahati, the capital of Assam, was the target this time around. There were 18 blasts in different parts of the city leading to death of approximately 81 people; 470 people were injured in the same.

The Indian Parliament is supposed to be the safest building in the whole country. However, it came under attack on 13th December 2001 by five terrorists belonging to Jaish-e-Mohammad and Lashkar-e-Taiba.

On Valentine’s Day 1998, an Islamist fundamentalist outfit named Al Ummah carried out 12 bomb blasts at 11 separate locations in the South Indian city Coimbatore. LK Advani, who at that time was in the city in order to attend an election meeting, was the primary target of the attack.